American Crane & Equipment Corporation

(877) 877-6778

American Crane & Equipment Co.
Ensuring Environmental Compliance & Safety in Ash Handling Operations

Ash Handling Cranes & Hoist Systems

Specializing in cranes and hoist systems for various industries, American Crane and Equipment Corporation is proud to provide reliable, high-quality material handling solutions, from aerospace and energy to waste management and pulp and paper. We also offer high-performance ash handling solutions for power plants, coal combustion, and wood processing applications. The success of ash handling systems depends on the quality of the hoists used, which must provide unmatched reliability, corrosion resistance, and longevity.

Proper ash handling is crucial in various settings to maintain compliance with the EPA. Even more importantly, it prevents dangerous contaminants from entering water and air, essential to everyday life. Using high-quality cranes and hoists from American Crane ensures efficient ash handling for various industries.

Ash Handling Cranes and Hoist Systems

Why Are Ash Handling Systems Important?

EPA regulations state that ash handling systems are mandatory for certain industries and types of manufacturing facilities. If handled incorrectly, ash can pose dangers to both the environment and general public health. Coal ash contains mercury, arsenic, and cadmium; these contaminants are dangerous and can pollute groundwater, drinking water, natural and manmade waterways, and the air we breathe.

Ash handling systems play a crucial role in maintaining environmental norms and compliance with industry standards. With thermal power plants and other manufacturing facilities generating extremely high amounts of ash, efficient ash handling systems are critical in preventing contamination and ensuring the safety of people and the surrounding community.

What Are Ash Handling Systems?

The combustion of wood, coal, and even grain creates ash. Ash handling systems are specifically designed to manage the collection, conveying, storage, and loading of ash residue, much of which is the result of solid fuel combustion processes in power plants. The most common types of ash include:

  • Bottom ash — Heavier, coarse ash material
  • Fly ash — Very fine ash that accounts for most of the material managed by ash handling systems
  • Ash clinkers — The ash that sticks to a coal furnace’s hot sidewalls
The United States produces more than 100 million tons of fly ash every year. Nearly half of this ash is reused for other purposes, such as cement production, but first, it must be properly collected and contained.

American Crane ash handling solutions have wide-ranging capabilities to meet the needs of various applications. Our cranes and hoists can be used in facilities working with different types of fuels and furnaces to effectively collect the ash, convey it to a storage location, and load it for disposal or reuse. Regardless of your needs, American Crane can deliver high-performance cranes and hoists to ensure successful and compliant ash handling.

Ash Handling Crane Hoist Systems | American Crane
Ensuring Environmental Integrity

Why Are Ash Handling Systems Important?

Ash handling systems play a crucial role in maintaining environmental norms and compliance with industry standards. With thermal power plants and other manufacturing facilities generating extremely high amounts of ash, efficient ash handling systems are critical in preventing contamination and ensuring the safety of people and the surrounding community. Coal ash contains mercury, arsenic, and cadmium; these contaminants are dangerous and can pollute groundwater, drinking water, natural and manmade waterways, and the air we breathe.


Various industries utilize coal ash in numerous ways for different environmental, economic, and product benefits. With the use of effective ash handling solutions, ash can be collected and reused in industries such as:

  • Manufacturing. Manufacturers rely on coal ash when producing products such as concrete, wallboard, bricks, and more.
  • Construction. Coal ash is commonly used as a top layer in unpaved roads and in the construction of running tracks and embankments.
  • Agriculture. Various agricultural applications use coal ash as a soil additive.
  • Mining. Coal ash can be reused as structural fill for low-lying areas such as abandoned mines.
Ash Handling Crane Hoist Systems | American Crane
Advancing Ash Handling Technology

ACECO Ash Handling Crane & Hoist Systems

With over 45 years of crane experience exceeding CMAA duty cycle requirements, the American Crane team can readily customize hoists and lifting equipment to prepare and handle ash and CCRs. We offer complete design and fabrication services and a comprehensive in-house quality assurance program. From ¼-ton hoists to equipment with 1,000+ tons of overhead lifting capacity, our material handling solutions can be crafted to meet service classifications A through F.

At ACECO, we are your expert, craftsman, and partner. Our team can help you find the custom solution for your ash handling needs. Contact us or request a quote to learn more about our high-performance ash-handling cranes and hoists.

Ash Handling Crane Hoist Systems | American Crane