Category Archive: Industry News

The Vital Role of Bridge Repair Travelers

The Vital Role of Bridge Repair Travelers

Maintaining and repairing bridges is essential for public safety and infrastructure longevity. At American Crane & Equipment Corporation (ACECO), we offer advanced solutions for these critical tasks, including our specialized bridge maintenance and repair travelers. Bridge repair travelers play a vital role providing safe and efficient access to the undersides of bridges, surpassing traditional scaffolding methods.

What are Bridge Maintenance and Repair Travelers?

Bridge repair travelers are movable platforms that enable technicians to inspect and maintain bride structures from beneath. These platforms are designed to move along the bridge, allowing uninterrupted traffic flow while work is being done. They come equipped with numerous features to ensure safety and efficiency, such as:

  • Anti-skewing technology: Ensures stable operation on uneven or misaligned runways.
  • Fully enclosed work platforms: Provides a secure environment to prevent falls.
  • Non-slip surfaces: Reduces the risk of slipping and accidents.
  • On-board personnel lifts: Enhances accessibility to various bridge areas.
  • Portable controls: Facilitates easy and precise operation.
  • Redundant drop capture systems: Prevents separation from the bridge for added safety.

Features of ACECO’s Bridge Travelers

ACECO’s bridge maintenance and repair travelers are available in several configurations, including self-propelled, gas, diesel, and electric versions. We custom design each traveler to meet specific project needs and incorporate durable materials like stainless, galvanized, or plated steel construction to withstand harsh environmental conditions.

Optional features can further enhance the functionality and safety of these travelers, such as:

  • Personnel seating
  • Telescopic extensions
  • Coast Guard-approved navigation lights
  • Diagnostic equipment
  • Backup motors
  • Emergency stop buttons
  • Warning devices

The Advantage of SAFTRACK® Technology

ACECO’s bridge travelers are equipped with the proprietary SAFTRACK® technology, which integrates advanced control software with reliable bridge crane components. Benefits include:

  • Enhanced stability: Anti-skewing technology accommodates uneven runways.
  • Custom solutions: Tailored designs using conventional crane components.
  • Independent drive control: Allows precise and flexible maneuvering.
  • Smooth operation: Controlled acceleration and deceleration for safe use.

Partner with ACECO for Superior Bridge Maintenance Solutions

At ACECO, we combine expertise, craftsmanship and partnership to deliver exceptional bridge maintenance equipment. Our custom bridge maintenance and repair travelers provide safe and efficient access to critical bridge points, minimizing the need for road or lane closures. For more information or to discuss your specific requirements, contact us or request a quote today.

Choosing ACECO ensures that your bridge maintenance operations are conducted safely and efficiently, supported by our extensive industry experience and high-quality resources.

Why Crane Inspections Are Crucial

Why Crane Inspections Are Crucial

Safety is a main concern on any job site. At American Crane & Equipment Corporation, we understand the importance of maintaining the highest safety standards to protect your team and equipment. According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), regular crane inspections and maintenance are essential to prevent worksite accidents and ensure optimal performance. Keep reading to find out why crane inspections are so crucial.

Industrial cranes are indispensable for lifting heavy loads, but over time they can suffer from wear and tear, increasing the risk of breakdowns and accidents. To mitigate these risks, OSHA has established comprehensive inspection requirements for cranes under standard 1910.179. These inspections are designed to identify potential issues before they escalate, ensuring both the safety of your workers and the longevity of your equipment.

Types of Crane Inspections

OSHA outlines two main types of crane inspections: frequent and periodic. Each type of inspection serves a specific purpose and follows a different schedule.

Frequent Inspections

Frequent Inspections are conducted daily to monthly, depending on the crane’s usage and operational environment. These inspections focus on critical components that are prone to rapid deterioration or frequent use. Key items on the checklist for frequent inspections include:

  • Maladjustments affecting the crane’s operation
  • Deterioration or leaks in hydraulic systems, pumps, lines, valves, or tanks
  • Deformed or cracked hooks
  • Defective hoist chains
  • Faulty wire rope reeving systems
  • Excessive wear of components

Periodic Inspections

Periodic inspections occur at regular intervals throughout the year, typically monthly to quarterly. These inspections are more thorough and cover components that are less likely to fail suddenly but require regular monitoring. The checklist for periodic inspections includes:

  • Worn tires
  • Deterioration of chain drive sprockets
  • Faulty or unsafe power plants
  • Wear on brake and clutch systems
  • Loose bearings or rivets
  • Deterioration in electrical apparatus, including limit switches, push-button stations, and controller contractors
  • Overstretched chains
  • Inaccuracy in indicators
  • Distorted bearings

American Crane’s Inspection Services

At American Crane, we offer comprehensive crane inspection services to ensure your equipment meets all OSHA standards and regulations. Our certified technicians perform both frequent and periodic inspections, providing detailed reports and recommendations to keep your cranes in top condition.

By partnering with us, you can be confident that your equipment will operate safely and efficiently, minimizing downtime and enhancing productivity. Our service and parts department is equipped to handle all aspects of crane maintenance, ensuring complete compliance with current safety codes.

At American Crane, we are your expert, craftsman, and partner in ensuring the safety and reliability of your material handling equipment. For more information on our crane inspection services or to request a quote, please contact us today.

How to Choose the Right Crane for Your Needs

How to Choose the Right Crane for Your Needs

Selecting the right crane for your needs can be a complex and time-consuming task. With a variety of cranes and hoists available on the market, understanding the key factors that influence your decision is crucial. Here are six essential considerations to help you make an informed choice for your crane and hoist combination.

1.   The Load

Understanding the load is fundamental. Key details include the loads dimensions, weight, surface characteristics, material, and fragility. Additionally, consider the load’s condition during handling (e.g., wet, dry, oily). If multiple types of loads need to be handled, you might require different crane and hoist combinations.

2.   Frequency of Use

The frequency and intensity of use, known as Duty Cycle Requirements, significantly impact the type of crane you need. Cranes are classified into six service classes, from Class A (Standby or Infrequent Service) to Class F (Continuous Severe Service). Selecting equipment designed for your specific service class ensures safety and longevity.

3.   Required Speed

The speed at which the crane travels and the hoist lifts and lowers is critical for operational efficiency. Ensure the crane’s speed aligns with your production processes to maintain a smooth workflow without compromising safety.

4.   Operating Environment

Crane and hoist systems can be used in various environments, both indoor and outdoor. Consider factors such as temperature, humidity, dust, hazardous conditions, and exposure to chemicals. Depending on the environment, you might need a custom crane and hoist solution to enhance reliability and service life.

5.   Expected Longevity

Routine maintenance is essential for the safe and reliable operation of cranes and hoists. Consider how often you want the equipment to run between servicing, the need for component replacements, and the overall lifespan. A well-maintained system ensures prolonged operation and reduces downtime.

6.   Budget

While it may be tempting to choose the cheapest option, a properly engineered crane and hoist system is often more cost-effective in the long run. Consider the total cost of ownership, including installation, spare parts, maintenance agreements, and service contracts. Investing in quality equipment reduces operational issues and enhances safety.

Additional Resources

For further guidance, several buyer’s guides can help you specify the right crane and hoist. The Crane Manufacturers Association of American (CMAA) publishes comprehensive resources detailing design safety standards and specifications. These guides are available for free download from American Crane’s online Resource Center.

American Crane also offers tailored publications: “How to Choose the Right Crane: A Crane Buyer’s Guide” and “How to Choose the Right Hoist: A Hoist Buyer’s Guide.” These documents provide a broader perspective on crane and hoist selection and are ideal for both novice and experienced buyers.

Your Expert, Craftsman and Partner

Leveraging the knowledge of experienced professionals is invaluable. Suppliers, manufacturers, and vendors with extensive expertise can help you evaluate your overhead handling options and determine the optimal solution for your needs. At American Crane, we are your expert, craftsman and partner – ready to assist you in finding the best crane and hoist combination. Connect with a project specialist today to get started on your investment journey.

By considering these factors and utilizing available resources, you can confidently choose the right crane for specific needs, ensuring safety, efficiency, and long-term reliability.

Maximizing Efficiency with Custom and Standard Lifting Solutions for EPC Companies and Contractors

Maximizing Efficiency with Custom and Standard Lifting Solutions for EPC Companies and Contractors

In the world of Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) and contracting, the reliability and efficiency of lifting systems are paramount. Whether you are a large EPC company embarking on new plant construction or a contractor seeking dependable cranes, hoists, lifting chains or rigging attachments, having the right equipment for your specific application is crucial. At American Crane and Equipment Corporation (ACECO), we stand at the forefront of providing both custom-engineered and standard lifting solutions designed to meet the highest standards of safety and performance. Discover how ACECO can help in maximizing efficiency with custom and standard lifting solutions for EPC companies and contractors.

High-Capacity Equipment: Meeting the Demands of Heavy Lifting

Overhead double girder bridge and box girder cranes are essential for robust lifting systems in industrial settings. These high-capacity cranes are designed to handle substantial loads with precision and ease, ensuring seamless operations in critical environments. With capacities of up to 300 tons, we engineer our overhead cranes for reliability, safety and durability, making them ideal for industries ranging from power generation to aerospace.

State-of-the-Art Features:

  • Precision Engineering: Our overhead cranes feature advanced engineering to ensure maximum efficiency and safety in lifting applications.
  • Custom Solutions: We offer custom-designed overhead cranes tailored to meet the unique needs of your project, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.
  • Enhanced Safety: Equipped with state-of-the-art safety features, our cranes minimize the risk of accidents and enhance operational safety.

Compensator Hoist: Precision and Flexibility in Lifting

The compensator hoist is a versatile lifting solution designed to provide precision and flexibility in handling pre-formed floor decks and other materials. This electric chain hoist attaches to crane hooks, allowing for tilting and precise positioning of heavy loads. Ideal for construction and industrial applications, the compensator hoist enhances efficiency and accuracy in lifting operations.

Key Benefits:

  • Precision Positioning: The compensator hoist enables precise control over the positioning of heavy loads, ensuring accurate placement and alignment.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for a wide range of lifting tasks, the compensator hoist offers flexibility in handling various materials and components.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: By streamlining the lifting process, the compensator hoist reduces downtime and increases productivity on the job site.

Crane Fork & Special Lifters: Versatility in Material Handling

Crane forks and special lifters are indispensable tools for lifting and moving a variety of construction supplies, such as bricks and tools. These attachments enhance the versatility of cranes, enabling efficient and safe handling of diverse materials. Crane forks and special lifters provide the reliability and flexibility you need.


  • Adaptability: Crane forks and special lifters can be easily attached to cranes, providing a versatile solution for different lifting requirements.
  • Efficiency: These tools streamline material handling processes, reducing manual labor and increasing operational efficiency.
  • Safety: Designed to securely lift and move materials, crane forks and special lifters minimize the risk of damage and enhance workplace safety.

Plate Clamps: Secure and Efficient Handling of Sheets

Plate clamps are essential for picking up sheets of steel, stone, and even glass in horizontal or vertical positions. These clamps provide a secure grip, ensuring safe and efficient handling of flat materials. Ideal for industrial and construction applications, plate clamps enhance the versatility and efficiency of lifting operations.


  • Secure Grip: Plate clamps are designed to provide a strong and secure grip on flat materials, preventing slippage and ensuring safe handling.
  • Versatility: Suitable for lifting a wide range of materials, including steel plates, stone slabs, and glass sheets.
  • Efficiency: By enabling quick and secure lifting of flat materials, plate clamps increase productivity and reduce handling time.

Tailored Solutions for Every Application

At American Crane and Equipment, we understand that every project is unique. That’s why we offer both custom-designed solutions manufactured and engineered in-house, as well as a wide range of standard “off the shelf” products. From small 1/2-ton ratchet lever hoists to 300-ton overhead cranes, we provide the right equipment to meet your specific needs.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expertise: With decades of experience in the industry, our team of experts provides knowledgeable and reliable support for all your lifting needs.
  • Quality: We are committed to delivering high-quality products that meet the highest standards of safety and performance.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Our focus is on understanding and meeting the unique needs of our clients, ensuring satisfaction with every project.

Contact Us Today

Ready to discover how ACECO can help in maximizing efficiency with custom and standard lifting solutions for EPC companies and contractors? Contact us today to learn more about how our products and services can enhance your operations. Our team is here to help you find a solution that works for you.

Blameless Problem Solving: 4 Healthy Habits for a Positive Work Culture

Blameless Problem Solving: 4 Healthy Habits for a Positive Work Culture

Facing problems in the workplace is inevitable, and they can be frustrating for everyone involved. However, the way you handle these problems can be the difference between an argument and a teachable lesson. Blameless problem solving is a powerful technique that should be practiced in every work environment. It guides you to find the root of the issue without creating a culture of blame and finger-pointing. Explore 4 healthy habits for blameless problem solving that can be applied in any work environment for a positive work culture.

Find the Root Cause

Rather than single out individuals, take a step back and examine the situation as a whole. Find the root cause of the problem – focus on what went wrong not who went wrong. Once the root cause is identified, you can begin brainstorming a solution. When you find the root cause instead of blaming individuals, you create an environment where people feel confident about coming forward and talking about issues in the workplace.

Focus on Solutions

Prioritize finding solutions. By shifting the focus from blame to solutions, you can work collaboratively to come up with effective solutions that prevent this issue from happening again. Brainstorming solutions together is great practice and a way to remember that no one has all the answers, emphasizing the importance of teamwork in issue resolution.

Identify Lessons

Opportunities for improvement often arise when things don’t go as planned. Embracing this mindset encourages individuals to reflect on their actions, drawing lessons from both failures and achievements. Proactively addressing lessons leads team members to develop new and more effective habits in the workplace. Identifying lessons as a team also helps to identify gaps in knowledge, ensuring everyone stays informed and aligned.

Get Smarter Every Time

Mistakes are bound to happen; we are all human. The key is to treat each mistake as a chance to learn and grow. This approach views mistakes from a constructive perspective and transforms them into a teachable moment. Creating an atmosphere that promotes continuous learning enables improvement in addressing the core issue rather than merely managing the symptoms. Cultivating a blame-free culture within your company paves the way for innovation, creativity and confidence.

At American Crane & Equipment Corporation, we are consistently striving to evolve into the best versions of ourselves. Integrating these 4 healthy habits for blameless problem solving into your company creates a positive work culture, encouraging everyone to be comfortable with making mistakes. For more information on our company culture, check out our Vision, Mission and Values and see how GRIT Matters at American Crane every day.

Ensuring Durability, Safety & Unmatched Service in the Marine Industry

Ensuring Durability, Safety & Unmatched Service in the Marine Industry

The Marine Industry serves as a cornerstone of our global economy, operating within a unique and challenging environment, requiring specialized equipment to meet its demanding needs. Here at American Crane & Equipment Corporation we have decades of experience and expertise designing and manufacturing custom equipment for the marine industry. Explore further to discover the diverse array of features and climates American Crane caters to, ensuring durability, safety and unmatched service in the Marine Industry.

Customized Solutions

We understand the unique challenges and requirements of marine operations. That’s why we work closely with our customers every step to custom design each crane with features tailored to their specific needs, ensuring durability and reliability in any marine environment.

Durability & Safety

Our team of engineers and technicians meticulously selects top-tier materials when crafting our cranes. These materials are purposefully chosen to endure the harshest conditions, including wind, corrosion, salt, and water exposure. Features like our Stainless-Steel electrical enclosures (NEMA 4X) are adept at safeguarding against damp environments and rigorous washdowns, ensuring optimal performance even in the most challenging marine conditions.

Superior Performance

Whether it is a custom Below-the-Hook Device or standard “off the shelf” product, our equipment is built to perform. Our team takes every measure necessary to ensure that our cranes perform at their peak capacity. We design everything we produce to be all gearing, so it can withstand any heavy-duty service it faces.

Service & Maintenance

At American Crane, we simplify our customer’s lives by providing 24/7 service throughout the entire year. We provide everything from crane and hoist inspections to upgrades and rebuilds. Whether planned or unplanned, our team offers on-site assistance to minimize downtime and ensure efficient crane performance.

Do it Right With ACECO

Marine environments pose unique challenges that demand specialized, durable equipment. At American Crane, we recognize that each client has distinct needs and requirements. That’s why we work closely with our customers every step of the way ensuring durability, safety and unmatched service. Reach out to us to discover how our custom solutions can meet your needs.

Ready to enhance your marine operations? Explore our online store to discover an extensive range of off-the-shelf products designed for efficiency and durability ACECO Products.

Work Hard, Dream Big: The Power of Putting in the Work

Hard Work

American Crane & Equipment Corporation is built on the foundation of hard work and dedication; it is the embodiment of our company’s culture and the driving force behind our success. When we say hard work is the foundation of our company, we really mean it. Our founder, Oddvar Norheim, built American Crane from the ground up through determination and hard work. He grew the company and built the foundations to guide it to what it is today. Our hard work did not stop with the passing of Oddvar, it only inspired us to carry on his legacy and work harder. Karen Norheim, current CEO and president of American Crane, introduced our mantra GRIT Matters to the company in 2018. This ignited a cultural shift within the company, a transformation we embody every single day. Work hard is not just a core value at American Crane, it is a way of life; it is integrated in everything we do here.

GRIT Matters

We put Perseverance, Heart and Integrity in everything we do. At American Crane, we are constantly pushing ourselves to provide top-quality overhead crane systems and to provide exceptional services today and every day. We constantly strive to exceed our customers’ expectations and make their lives easier. GRIT Matters is what makes us stand out from the rest, and it shows in everything we do.


Perseverance is the fuel that propels us forward, even in the face of challenges. We understand that success does not come easy. It requires unwavering determination, the willingness to overcome obstacles, and the tenacity to keep pushing forward. Every day, we demonstrate perseverance by taking on complex projects, finding innovative solutions, and delivering exceptional results, no matter the circumstances.


The essence of American Crane is exemplified through the profound Heart we infuse in every aspect of our work. We understand that our success is built on the relationships we cultivate with our customers. That is why we go beyond expectations to ensure that their needs are met, their goals are achieved, and their satisfaction is guaranteed. Our team pours expertise and commitment into every service we provide, guaranteeing superior performance, reliability, and the highest caliber of service in the industry. This intrinsic passion and unwavering dedication are what drive us to not only fulfill but surpass the expectations of our clientele.


We take great pride in delivering on our promises and conducting ourselves with honesty and transparency. This not only creates a positive working environment for our team but also cultivates trust with our customers. Our clients trust us because they know we operate with integrity, and we work hard to create long-lasting relationships built on mutual respect and trust.

Work Hard and Be Gritty

At American Crane, we pull together, roll up our sleeves, and get the job done. We stand out not only for our technical expertise and exceptional service but because we work hard on everything we do. This culture of hard work we have created here is what motivates us to go above and beyond, to challenge our capabilities, and to approach every task with GRIT. To learn more about our company culture and core values, contact us today!

Doing the Right Thing – A Foundation for Success

Doing The Right Thing | American Crane

Doing the right thing – it’s a simple concept, but in practice, it requires a deep commitment that has given us a sense of purpose and direction that we believe sets American Crane & Equipment Corporation (ACECO) apart from other companies. So, what does “Do the Right Thing” actually mean? For us, it means always putting the customer and their needs first. In this blog, we will break down how we apply this to the way we treat our customers and the way we interact with our colleagues; this value plays an imperative role in the foundation of our company’s success.

Why it Matters:

Doing the right thing is powerful for any company. It’s not just being a nice person. Yes, ACECO believes in treating others as we would like to be treated but doing the right thing goes way beyond that. It emphasizes the importance of integrity, ethics, and commitment to innovation. ACECO always aims to foster a workplace environment where everyone feels valued and supported. By practicing this, we create that environment, enabling our team to deliver exceptional service to each other and to our external customers.

Always do What is Best for the Customer:

ACECO’s commitment to always do what is right extends not only to our external clients but equally to our internal clients – our dedicated team members. We recognize that our employees are essential to the success of our organization, which is why we prioritize transparency and honesty in all our interactions. We strive to build strong connections that allow us to continue to grow and develop our community and trust. This environment we have created allows our employees to feel empowered and
appreciated for their hard work and commitment to ACECO.

We Put Our Clients First:

We understand that all our customers’ needs and perspectives are unique and require custom resolutions for each situation. Which is why we always put in the time and effort necessary to produce the best solution for them. Whether it’s refining a product, adjusting a service offering or helping a coworker with extra work, we make it our mission to do it right. Every decision we make is viewed through the lens of its impact on our clients. It’s this level of customer service that has helped ACECO build a loyal following and establish us as a trusted partner in our industry.

Speak Up

At ACECO, we are committed to communicating well and strive for open and honest conversation. We encourage our employees to speak up if they see something that doesn’t align with our company’s core values. This creates trust and opportunities for everyone to work together and hold each other accountable for their actions.

Doing it Right at American Crane

Our core values have transformed American Crane & Equipment Corporation into a community built on mutual respect, collaboration, and a shared commitment to excellence. ACECO invests heavily in research and development to consistently provide the highest quality service and technology. We maintain rigorous quality control to ensure that our products and services exceed industry standards and customer expectations. Our customers know when they work with us, they can trust us to always act in their best interests. Whether you are an employee, a customer, or a potential new hire, you can be confident that this company will always do the right thing for you. Check out our careers page to see how you can do it right at American Crane.

Cultivating Unity and Humility: Embracing Core Values at American Crane


At American Crane and Equipment Corporation we proudly uphold a set of core values, with one key principle being the importance of staying humble. In our workplace we believe that there is no task that is beneath anyone, emphasizing the importance of collective responsibility. Our hands-on, humble approach to work signifies a workplace culture where every individual, regardless of their position or title, is ready to roll up their sleeves and contribute to the overall success of the company. By being willing to pitch in and accomplish any task, employees at American Crane foster a sense of camaraderie that goes beyond traditional hierarchical boundaries.

Here are a few ways that we like to practice staying humble in the workplace:

  1. Readily Assist Others: Be proactive in offering help to colleagues, especially during peak workloads or challenging projects. Demonstrating a willingness to share knowledge and expertise with team members fosters a culture of continuous learning.
  2. Acknowledge Mistakes and Embrace Growth: Admitting when you’re wrong or have made a mistake is a sign of humility. Take responsibility, learn from the experience, and use it as an opportunity for personal and professional growth.
  3. Value Others’ Contributions: Recognize and appreciate the efforts of your colleagues. Celebrate their achievements and contributions, creating a positive and supportive atmosphere.
  4. Effective Listening: Practice effective listening, another ACECO core value, during meetings and discussions. Do not interrupt, ask questions, and listen with the intent to understand.
  5. Seek Feedback: Request feedback from peers and supervisors to understand areas for improvement. Demonstrating a willingness to receive constructive criticism reflects a humble and growth-oriented mindset.
  6. Avoid Taking Credit Unnecessarily: If a project’s success is a result of team effort, acknowledge and share credit with your colleagues. Avoid taking undue credit for individual contributions.
  7. Pitch in Regardless of Job Title: Be willing to take on tasks that may fall outside your typical job responsibilities. This could include helping with routine chores or stepping in to assist a colleague facing a tight deadline.
  8. Express Gratitude: Show gratitude for the support and contributions of others. A simple thank-you can go a long way in recognizing and appreciating the collective effort.
  9. Promote a Team-First Mentality: Encourage teamwork and collaboration. Emphasize the collective success of the team over individual accomplishments.
  10. Stay Approachable: Maintain an open-door policy, both physically and metaphorically. Being approachable fosters a culture where communication and collaboration thrive.
  11. Share Success Stories: Use success stories, whether personal or team-based, as opportunities to inspire and motivate others. Share the spotlight to reinforce the idea that achievements are a collective effort.
  12. Embrace a Growth Mindset: Approach challenges with a positive and open mindset. View setbacks as opportunities to learn and improve, reinforcing a commitment to continuous personal and professional development.

The daily reminder that we’re all in this together highlights our belief that success is an ongoing journey, not a solitary destination. From the CEO to the newest team member, each person is a vital part of our company’s machinery. This creates a sincere sense of belonging and purpose in our company, where every contribution, is acknowledged with genuine appreciation. When each team member recognizes their importance and value it creates an inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels empowered and essential to the thriving success of American Crane.

Taking it Slow for Safety at ACECO

Workplace safety is a paramount concern for any company and here at American Crane & Equipment Corporation (ACECO)… we’re grabbing everyone’s attention in a unique way. Meet the Safety Sloth, our charming safety ambassador, who reminds us to take it
slow, whether that’s working with equipment on the shop floor or in our conversations in the office.

Safety Sloth

Embedded within our core values at ACECO is the belief that ‘Life Matters, Be Safe,’ so let’s dive into the importance of workplace safety and discover some practical tips for maintaining a relaxed and secure environment.

Why Go Slow?

Moving too quickly often leads to mistakes because our brains struggle to process information and make decisions effectively at high speeds. When we rush, our attention becomes divided, and we may overlook critical details or skip essential steps. This can result in errors, accidents, and can reduce the overall quality of work. Additionally, rushing can lead to a lack of coordination, causing us to fumble or mishandle objects. By contrast, when we move deliberately and at a manageable pace, we give our brains the time they need to process information accurately, make thoughtful decisions, and execute tasks with precision, reducing the likelihood of mistakes and ensuring a safer and more efficient work environment.

Mastering Mindful Movements

  • 1. Plan Your Actions: Before starting any task, pause for a moment to strategize. Think about the necessary steps, potential hazards, and the best way to approach the task safely and efficiently.
  • 2. Focus on the Task at Hand: Avoid distractions and concentrate on the job you’re doing. Multitasking may seem productive, but it often leads to mistakes. Give your full attention to one task at a time.
  • 3. Maintain a Comfortable Pace: Don’t feel the need to rush through your tasks. Find a pace that allows you to work smoothly without compromising quality. Remember, haste makes waste.
  • 4. Use Proper Techniques: Be certain you’re employing the right methods and equipment for the task at hand. This not only boosts productivity but also minimizes the chances of accidents and those pesky repetitive strain injuries.
  • 5. Prioritize Safety: Keep safety front and center. Make sure you’re wearing the right personal protective gear (PPE), adhere to safety protocols, and don’t hesitate to report any hazards or unsafe situations right away.
  • 6. Communicate Effectively: When you are part of a team, effective communication is key. Ensure everyone is on the same page about their tasks and coordinate your movements to prevent any unintended collisions or mishaps.
  • 7. Inspect Your Workspace: Make it a habit to routinely check your workspace for any potential dangers or obstructions. Maintaining an organized and tidy environment not only fosters a safer work environment but also encourages you to move with purpose and confidence.
  • 8. Take Breaks: Remember, fatigue can increase the chances of errors creeping in. Make it a point to schedule regular breaks, especially when tackling extended or physically demanding tasks. Your well-being and accuracy go hand in hand
  • 9. Seek Training: When in doubt about the right way to handle a task, don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance or training from experienced coworkers or supervisors. Asking questions is a sign of wisdom, and it’s far better to seek help than to risk making mistakes. Proper training equips you to approach your work with greater confidence and make more deliberate, well-informed actions.
  • 10. Staying Present in Repetitive Tasks: When tackling repetitive tasks that have become second nature, it’s tempting to go on autopilot and rush through them. However, it’s crucial to maintain the same level of care and attention as you would with any new or intricate assignment.
  • 11. Learn from Mistakes: If you do make a mistake, don’t let it weigh you down. Instead, take it as a chance to learn and grow. Understand what went wrong, why it happened, and think about how you can avoid it next time.

By following these tips and making a conscious effort to be intentional in your movements, you’ll not only enhance safety but also contribute to a more efficient and productive workplace.

Crafting Mindful Communication

  • 1. Think Before You Speak: Take a moment to consider your words before expressing them. Ask yourself if what you’re about to say is necessary, constructive, and respectful.
  • 2. Practice Active Listening: Give your full focus when someone’s talking to you. Let them know you’re tuned in by nodding and making eye contact. It’s not just about better understanding, but also about keeping the conversation positive and meaningful.
  • 3. Avoid Reactive Responses: When faced with criticism or conflict, resist the urge to react defensively. Instead, take a deep breath and respond thoughtfully. Acknowledge the other person’s perspective and seek to find common ground.
  • 4. Use “I” Statements: When discussing your feelings or opinions, use “I” statements to express yourself without blaming or accusing others. For example, say, “I feel concerned about…” rather than “You always…”
  • 5. Practice Empathy: Put yourself in your colleagues’ shoes and try to grasp their feelings and viewpoints. Showing empathy for their experiences can pave the way for kinder and more successful conversations.
  • 6. Ask for Clarification: If you’re unsure about something, ask for clarification rather than making assumptions. This shows your willingness to understand and learn.
  • 7. Avoid Gossip: Steering clear of gossip and rumor-mongering is key to preserving trust and keeping morale high. Keep an eye on what you discuss about your colleagues and aim for conversations that contribute positively.
  • 8. Be Respectful and Inclusive: Choose words that embrace diversity and respect a variety of perspectives. Stay away from language that could be hurtful or offensive to others, ensuring a more inclusive and comfortable environment.
  • 9. Use Feedback Wisely: When giving feedback, be specific, constructive, and focused on behaviors rather than personal characteristics. When receiving feedback, be open to it and thank the person for their input.
  • 10. Stay Calm in Difficult Situations: In stressful or challenging situations, maintain your composure. Responding with anger or frustration rarely leads to positive outcomes.
  • 11. Seek Guidance if Needed: If you find yourself facing challenges in communication or emotional intelligence, think about reaching out to a mentor, coach, or HR expert. They can offer valuable guidance and effective strategies that can make a significant difference.

By being intentional with your words, practicing emotional intelligence and nurturing a workplace culture built on respect and effective interaction, you can play a part in creating a more upbeat and harmonious work atmosphere.

In a busy professional setting, it’s easy to get caught up in the fast-paced flow of tasks and conversations. But at American Crane & Equipment Corporation, we’ve recognized the importance of taking a more intentional approach to put safety first. With the introduction of our beloved Safety Sloth, we’ve found a unique way to remind ourselves to be cautious in everything that we do, whether it’s on the shop floor or in the office. With the above tips in mind, you too will find yourself taking on a calmer and more deliberate approach to your work.