Tag Archive: Ethics

  1. Blameless Problem Solving: 4 Healthy Habits for a Positive Work Culture

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    Blameless Problem Solving: 4 Healthy Habits for a Positive Work Culture

    Facing problems in the workplace is inevitable, and they can be frustrating for everyone involved. However, the way you handle these problems can be the difference between an argument and a teachable lesson. Blameless problem solving is a powerful technique that should be practiced in every work environment. It guides you to find the root of the issue without creating a culture of blame and finger-pointing. Explore 4 healthy habits for blameless problem solving that can be applied in any work environment for a positive work culture.

    Find the Root Cause

    Rather than single out individuals, take a step back and examine the situation as a whole. Find the root cause of the problem – focus on what went wrong not who went wrong. Once the root cause is identified, you can begin brainstorming a solution. When you find the root cause instead of blaming individuals, you create an environment where people feel confident about coming forward and talking about issues in the workplace.

    Focus on Solutions

    Prioritize finding solutions. By shifting the focus from blame to solutions, you can work collaboratively to come up with effective solutions that prevent this issue from happening again. Brainstorming solutions together is great practice and a way to remember that no one has all the answers, emphasizing the importance of teamwork in issue resolution.

    Identify Lessons

    Opportunities for improvement often arise when things don’t go as planned. Embracing this mindset encourages individuals to reflect on their actions, drawing lessons from both failures and achievements. Proactively addressing lessons leads team members to develop new and more effective habits in the workplace. Identifying lessons as a team also helps to identify gaps in knowledge, ensuring everyone stays informed and aligned.

    Get Smarter Every Time

    Mistakes are bound to happen; we are all human. The key is to treat each mistake as a chance to learn and grow. This approach views mistakes from a constructive perspective and transforms them into a teachable moment. Creating an atmosphere that promotes continuous learning enables improvement in addressing the core issue rather than merely managing the symptoms. Cultivating a blame-free culture within your company paves the way for innovation, creativity and confidence.

    At American Crane & Equipment Corporation, we are consistently striving to evolve into the best versions of ourselves. Integrating these 4 healthy habits for blameless problem solving into your company creates a positive work culture, encouraging everyone to be comfortable with making mistakes. For more information on our company culture, check out our Vision, Mission and Values and see how GRIT Matters at American Crane every day.

  2. Doing the Right Thing – A Foundation for Success

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    Doing The Right Thing | American Crane

    Doing the right thing – it’s a simple concept, but in practice, it requires a deep commitment that has given us a sense of purpose and direction that we believe sets American Crane & Equipment Corporation (ACECO) apart from other companies. So, what does “Do the Right Thing” actually mean? For us, it means always putting the customer and their needs first. In this blog, we will break down how we apply this to the way we treat our customers and the way we interact with our colleagues; this value plays an imperative role in the foundation of our company’s success.

    Why it Matters:

    Doing the right thing is powerful for any company. It’s not just being a nice person. Yes, ACECO believes in treating others as we would like to be treated but doing the right thing goes way beyond that. It emphasizes the importance of integrity, ethics, and commitment to innovation. ACECO always aims to foster a workplace environment where everyone feels valued and supported. By practicing this, we create that environment, enabling our team to deliver exceptional service to each other and to our external customers.

    Always do What is Best for the Customer:

    ACECO’s commitment to always do what is right extends not only to our external clients but equally to our internal clients – our dedicated team members. We recognize that our employees are essential to the success of our organization, which is why we prioritize transparency and honesty in all our interactions. We strive to build strong connections that allow us to continue to grow and develop our community and trust. This environment we have created allows our employees to feel empowered and
    appreciated for their hard work and commitment to ACECO.

    We Put Our Clients First:

    We understand that all our customers’ needs and perspectives are unique and require custom resolutions for each situation. Which is why we always put in the time and effort necessary to produce the best solution for them. Whether it’s refining a product, adjusting a service offering or helping a coworker with extra work, we make it our mission to do it right. Every decision we make is viewed through the lens of its impact on our clients. It’s this level of customer service that has helped ACECO build a loyal following and establish us as a trusted partner in our industry.

    Speak Up

    At ACECO, we are committed to communicating well and strive for open and honest conversation. We encourage our employees to speak up if they see something that doesn’t align with our company’s core values. This creates trust and opportunities for everyone to work together and hold each other accountable for their actions.

    Doing it Right at American Crane

    Our core values have transformed American Crane & Equipment Corporation into a community built on mutual respect, collaboration, and a shared commitment to excellence. ACECO invests heavily in research and development to consistently provide the highest quality service and technology. We maintain rigorous quality control to ensure that our products and services exceed industry standards and customer expectations. Our customers know when they work with us, they can trust us to always act in their best interests. Whether you are an employee, a customer, or a potential new hire, you can be confident that this company will always do the right thing for you. Check out our careers page to see how you can do it right at American Crane.