Tag Archive: Maintained Equipment

  1. Why Crane Inspections Are Crucial

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    Why Crane Inspections Are Crucial

    Safety is a main concern on any job site. At American Crane & Equipment Corporation, we understand the importance of maintaining the highest safety standards to protect your team and equipment. According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), regular crane inspections and maintenance are essential to prevent worksite accidents and ensure optimal performance. Keep reading to find out why crane inspections are so crucial.

    Industrial cranes are indispensable for lifting heavy loads, but over time they can suffer from wear and tear, increasing the risk of breakdowns and accidents. To mitigate these risks, OSHA has established comprehensive inspection requirements for cranes under standard 1910.179. These inspections are designed to identify potential issues before they escalate, ensuring both the safety of your workers and the longevity of your equipment.

    Types of Crane Inspections

    OSHA outlines two main types of crane inspections: frequent and periodic. Each type of inspection serves a specific purpose and follows a different schedule.

    Frequent Inspections

    Frequent Inspections are conducted daily to monthly, depending on the crane’s usage and operational environment. These inspections focus on critical components that are prone to rapid deterioration or frequent use. Key items on the checklist for frequent inspections include:

    • Maladjustments affecting the crane’s operation
    • Deterioration or leaks in hydraulic systems, pumps, lines, valves, or tanks
    • Deformed or cracked hooks
    • Defective hoist chains
    • Faulty wire rope reeving systems
    • Excessive wear of components

    Periodic Inspections

    Periodic inspections occur at regular intervals throughout the year, typically monthly to quarterly. These inspections are more thorough and cover components that are less likely to fail suddenly but require regular monitoring. The checklist for periodic inspections includes:

    • Worn tires
    • Deterioration of chain drive sprockets
    • Faulty or unsafe power plants
    • Wear on brake and clutch systems
    • Loose bearings or rivets
    • Deterioration in electrical apparatus, including limit switches, push-button stations, and controller contractors
    • Overstretched chains
    • Inaccuracy in indicators
    • Distorted bearings

    American Crane’s Inspection Services

    At American Crane, we offer comprehensive crane inspection services to ensure your equipment meets all OSHA standards and regulations. Our certified technicians perform both frequent and periodic inspections, providing detailed reports and recommendations to keep your cranes in top condition.

    By partnering with us, you can be confident that your equipment will operate safely and efficiently, minimizing downtime and enhancing productivity. Our service and parts department is equipped to handle all aspects of crane maintenance, ensuring complete compliance with current safety codes.

    At American Crane, we are your expert, craftsman, and partner in ensuring the safety and reliability of your material handling equipment. For more information on our crane inspection services or to request a quote, please contact us today.

  2. The Power of Preventative Maintenance: Top 3 Benefits of Routine Maintenance

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    Preventative Maintenance | American Crane

    In an environment where downtime can be a costly setback and safety is non-negotiable, preventative maintenance is not only important but crucial to your equipment and facilities. At American Crane & Equipment Corporation, we understand the importance of routine maintenance and the benefits it brings to your company. In this third installment of our Crane & Hoist Safety Series, we will discuss the top three benefits of preventative maintenance.

    Keeping Production on Track

    Routine maintenance can identify potential issues and prevent them from happening before they result in unexpected downtime that can disrupt workflow and hurt your bottom line. Downtime is one of the most significant costs for businesses. Routine maintenance reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns, emergency maintenance and expensive repair fees, keeping production running smoothly and on schedule.


    Routine maintenance prevents the risk of onsite injuries by ensuring that everything is working properly and complying with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. Keeping your equipment up to OSHA standards prevents potential violations and fines, which nobody wants to deal with. At ACECO, the most important thing is our people. We understand the importance and value of keeping our team safe and providing them with a safe work environment which is why we have routine maintenance in practice for all equipment and facilities.


    Properly maintained equipment functions more efficiently, reducing the amount of downtime experienced by companies and supporting a longer-lasting lifespan of equipment. Regular maintenance gives companies the chance to discover minor issues before they turn into major problems that cause widespread harm.

    The importance of routine maintenance cannot be overstated. It’s a domino effect that will only harm you if you ignore it and benefit you if you indulge. Taking care of your equipment is taking care of your business. It protects your people, your facility, and your reputation.

    Planning for the Future

    As times change, so do we. ACECO’s innovation lab is working on a new line of technology that will take preventative maintenance to the next level. Our Machine Health IoT (MHIoT) device will allow you to monitor the operation and health of your crane and other critical industrial equipment from the convenience of your phone. Read more about our new MHIoT device here.

    With 24/7 service and customized maintenance plans, ACECO is committed to exceeding your expectations and delivering exceptional service. Contact us today to discover how we can tailor a plan specifically to your needs.