Tag Archive: workplace safety

  1. Blameless Problem Solving: 4 Healthy Habits for a Positive Work Culture

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    Blameless Problem Solving: 4 Healthy Habits for a Positive Work Culture

    Facing problems in the workplace is inevitable, and they can be frustrating for everyone involved. However, the way you handle these problems can be the difference between an argument and a teachable lesson. Blameless problem solving is a powerful technique that should be practiced in every work environment. It guides you to find the root of the issue without creating a culture of blame and finger-pointing. Explore 4 healthy habits for blameless problem solving that can be applied in any work environment for a positive work culture.

    Find the Root Cause

    Rather than single out individuals, take a step back and examine the situation as a whole. Find the root cause of the problem – focus on what went wrong not who went wrong. Once the root cause is identified, you can begin brainstorming a solution. When you find the root cause instead of blaming individuals, you create an environment where people feel confident about coming forward and talking about issues in the workplace.

    Focus on Solutions

    Prioritize finding solutions. By shifting the focus from blame to solutions, you can work collaboratively to come up with effective solutions that prevent this issue from happening again. Brainstorming solutions together is great practice and a way to remember that no one has all the answers, emphasizing the importance of teamwork in issue resolution.

    Identify Lessons

    Opportunities for improvement often arise when things don’t go as planned. Embracing this mindset encourages individuals to reflect on their actions, drawing lessons from both failures and achievements. Proactively addressing lessons leads team members to develop new and more effective habits in the workplace. Identifying lessons as a team also helps to identify gaps in knowledge, ensuring everyone stays informed and aligned.

    Get Smarter Every Time

    Mistakes are bound to happen; we are all human. The key is to treat each mistake as a chance to learn and grow. This approach views mistakes from a constructive perspective and transforms them into a teachable moment. Creating an atmosphere that promotes continuous learning enables improvement in addressing the core issue rather than merely managing the symptoms. Cultivating a blame-free culture within your company paves the way for innovation, creativity and confidence.

    At American Crane & Equipment Corporation, we are consistently striving to evolve into the best versions of ourselves. Integrating these 4 healthy habits for blameless problem solving into your company creates a positive work culture, encouraging everyone to be comfortable with making mistakes. For more information on our company culture, check out our Vision, Mission and Values and see how GRIT Matters at American Crane every day.

  2. Taking it Slow for Safety at ACECO

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    Workplace safety is a paramount concern for any company and here at American Crane & Equipment Corporation (ACECO)… we’re grabbing everyone’s attention in a unique way. Meet the Safety Sloth, our charming safety ambassador, who reminds us to take it
    slow, whether that’s working with equipment on the shop floor or in our conversations in the office.

    Safety Sloth

    Embedded within our core values at ACECO is the belief that ‘Life Matters, Be Safe,’ so let’s dive into the importance of workplace safety and discover some practical tips for maintaining a relaxed and secure environment.

    Why Go Slow?

    Moving too quickly often leads to mistakes because our brains struggle to process information and make decisions effectively at high speeds. When we rush, our attention becomes divided, and we may overlook critical details or skip essential steps. This can result in errors, accidents, and can reduce the overall quality of work. Additionally, rushing can lead to a lack of coordination, causing us to fumble or mishandle objects. By contrast, when we move deliberately and at a manageable pace, we give our brains the time they need to process information accurately, make thoughtful decisions, and execute tasks with precision, reducing the likelihood of mistakes and ensuring a safer and more efficient work environment.

    Mastering Mindful Movements

    • 1. Plan Your Actions: Before starting any task, pause for a moment to strategize. Think about the necessary steps, potential hazards, and the best way to approach the task safely and efficiently.
    • 2. Focus on the Task at Hand: Avoid distractions and concentrate on the job you’re doing. Multitasking may seem productive, but it often leads to mistakes. Give your full attention to one task at a time.
    • 3. Maintain a Comfortable Pace: Don’t feel the need to rush through your tasks. Find a pace that allows you to work smoothly without compromising quality. Remember, haste makes waste.
    • 4. Use Proper Techniques: Be certain you’re employing the right methods and equipment for the task at hand. This not only boosts productivity but also minimizes the chances of accidents and those pesky repetitive strain injuries.
    • 5. Prioritize Safety: Keep safety front and center. Make sure you’re wearing the right personal protective gear (PPE), adhere to safety protocols, and don’t hesitate to report any hazards or unsafe situations right away.
    • 6. Communicate Effectively: When you are part of a team, effective communication is key. Ensure everyone is on the same page about their tasks and coordinate your movements to prevent any unintended collisions or mishaps.
    • 7. Inspect Your Workspace: Make it a habit to routinely check your workspace for any potential dangers or obstructions. Maintaining an organized and tidy environment not only fosters a safer work environment but also encourages you to move with purpose and confidence.
    • 8. Take Breaks: Remember, fatigue can increase the chances of errors creeping in. Make it a point to schedule regular breaks, especially when tackling extended or physically demanding tasks. Your well-being and accuracy go hand in hand
    • 9. Seek Training: When in doubt about the right way to handle a task, don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance or training from experienced coworkers or supervisors. Asking questions is a sign of wisdom, and it’s far better to seek help than to risk making mistakes. Proper training equips you to approach your work with greater confidence and make more deliberate, well-informed actions.
    • 10. Staying Present in Repetitive Tasks: When tackling repetitive tasks that have become second nature, it’s tempting to go on autopilot and rush through them. However, it’s crucial to maintain the same level of care and attention as you would with any new or intricate assignment.
    • 11. Learn from Mistakes: If you do make a mistake, don’t let it weigh you down. Instead, take it as a chance to learn and grow. Understand what went wrong, why it happened, and think about how you can avoid it next time.

    By following these tips and making a conscious effort to be intentional in your movements, you’ll not only enhance safety but also contribute to a more efficient and productive workplace.

    Crafting Mindful Communication

    • 1. Think Before You Speak: Take a moment to consider your words before expressing them. Ask yourself if what you’re about to say is necessary, constructive, and respectful.
    • 2. Practice Active Listening: Give your full focus when someone’s talking to you. Let them know you’re tuned in by nodding and making eye contact. It’s not just about better understanding, but also about keeping the conversation positive and meaningful.
    • 3. Avoid Reactive Responses: When faced with criticism or conflict, resist the urge to react defensively. Instead, take a deep breath and respond thoughtfully. Acknowledge the other person’s perspective and seek to find common ground.
    • 4. Use “I” Statements: When discussing your feelings or opinions, use “I” statements to express yourself without blaming or accusing others. For example, say, “I feel concerned about…” rather than “You always…”
    • 5. Practice Empathy: Put yourself in your colleagues’ shoes and try to grasp their feelings and viewpoints. Showing empathy for their experiences can pave the way for kinder and more successful conversations.
    • 6. Ask for Clarification: If you’re unsure about something, ask for clarification rather than making assumptions. This shows your willingness to understand and learn.
    • 7. Avoid Gossip: Steering clear of gossip and rumor-mongering is key to preserving trust and keeping morale high. Keep an eye on what you discuss about your colleagues and aim for conversations that contribute positively.
    • 8. Be Respectful and Inclusive: Choose words that embrace diversity and respect a variety of perspectives. Stay away from language that could be hurtful or offensive to others, ensuring a more inclusive and comfortable environment.
    • 9. Use Feedback Wisely: When giving feedback, be specific, constructive, and focused on behaviors rather than personal characteristics. When receiving feedback, be open to it and thank the person for their input.
    • 10. Stay Calm in Difficult Situations: In stressful or challenging situations, maintain your composure. Responding with anger or frustration rarely leads to positive outcomes.
    • 11. Seek Guidance if Needed: If you find yourself facing challenges in communication or emotional intelligence, think about reaching out to a mentor, coach, or HR expert. They can offer valuable guidance and effective strategies that can make a significant difference.

    By being intentional with your words, practicing emotional intelligence and nurturing a workplace culture built on respect and effective interaction, you can play a part in creating a more upbeat and harmonious work atmosphere.

    In a busy professional setting, it’s easy to get caught up in the fast-paced flow of tasks and conversations. But at American Crane & Equipment Corporation, we’ve recognized the importance of taking a more intentional approach to put safety first. With the introduction of our beloved Safety Sloth, we’ve found a unique way to remind ourselves to be cautious in everything that we do, whether it’s on the shop floor or in the office. With the above tips in mind, you too will find yourself taking on a calmer and more deliberate approach to your work.

  3. 6 Tips for Increasing Crane Safety in Your Facility

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    Over the past 50 years, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) specifications for crane safety have remained relatively unchanged. To begin enhancing the training and safety opportunities in the overhead lifting industry, OSHA has recently renewed a five-year alliance with the Crane, Hoist and Monorail Alliance (CHM).

    Crane SafetyThe partnership demonstrates OSHA’s confidence in CHM as a trusted resource in an ongoing effort to increase workers’ safety. In a recent EHS Today article, OSHA’s Assistant Secretary of Labor Dr. David Michaels said, “Our alliance with CHM has been invaluable in helping to reduce and prevent serious or fatal incidents in the material handling industry.”

    To follow the example that these industry leaders have set, here are six ways that you can increase crane safety within your own facility:

    1. Create Accountability with Your Inspection — Develop written guidelines for your crane and hoist inspection and maintenance programs; implement this code to train every operator on proper crane equipment use and safety protocol.
    2. Schedule Your Inspections — Create a pre-planned schedule to stay on top of equipment functionality through preventative maintenance. Having a schedule will help to avert any breakdown repairs by ensuring that your equipment always meets the necessary safety requirements.
    3. Read the Manual — It may sound silly, but it is crucial that every operator has read the manufacturers’ operation manuals. Implementing this practice will add an extra level of protection at your facility.
    4. Conduct Pre-Shift Inspections — Crane operators should understand the applicable OSHA, national, state, and local inspection requirements for their machinery and ensure that all products are in compliance with these specifications at the start of each shift.
    5. Implement a Lockout/Tagout Procedure — Lockout procedures safeguard employees by cutting equipment off from the energy source before any maintenance work. This precaution helps prevent accidental or unexpected operation from stored energy, as well as the resulting risk of injury.
    6. Know Your Equipment’s Limits — Employees should always be aware of crane load limits as well as the capacities of each payload.

    By taking these simple precautions, you can increase everyday workplace safety for your operators. To learn more about how to increase crane safety in your facility, we invite you to download our maintenance troubleshooting guide, “What Your Cranes Wish You Knew.”

    Download Your Free Crane Troubleshooting Guide